The MVU Biodiesel Project

Our Sponsors

The hotels, restaurant, and bars listed on this page have all donated used-cooking oil from their kitchens to this project. These donations were vital to kick starting the project.

We encourage you to choose these businesses first, as not only have they generously supported this project, but they have directly contributed to a cleaner environment.

Traditionally, waste vegetable oil in Cambodia is resold after use and reused by street-side sellers or other restaurants. Reusing vegetable cooking oil more than 4 or 5 times creates toxins, amongst them "free radicals" , which are harmful to the body.

The businesses on this page ensure their customers receive a high quality of food by disposing of their oil at an early stage.

Additionally, by donating their oil to the project, they have protected consumers from the harmful re-use of the oil by others.

These businesses have also directly contributed to a better environment through a reduction of green house gas emissions and a host of other benefits associated with the use of biodiesel fuel as a replacement for fossil-fuel diesel.

Our sincere thanks to the hotels, restaurants and bars. Click on the logos to visit their websites.

Phnom Penh Donors/Sponsors

Siem Reap Donors/Sponsors